Helping you find the care you need
As independent agents in the Triad, we have the resources to find the best medical plans to meet your specific needs. We take pride in maintaining great relationships with our customers and like to keep our clients informed on the important changes that may affect their plan or future. We are always available for a phone call or appointment to discuss any questions or concerns!

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I understand that by providing the information above, an agent from Puckett Insurance may contact me regarding health plan options.
Guidance You Can Trust
Over 15 Years Of Experience
Choosing a health plan can be confusing. With all the recent changes in plans and choices, you need an expert to guide you through the tangle of information. We have served the Triad for over 15 years, offering Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Supplement Plans, Individual Health Plans, Life Insurance as well as Dental Plans.

Medicare Plans
Going on Medicare doesn’t have to be confusing. We can answer all of your questions and help you get enrolled in the coverage that’s right for you.

Individual Health Plans
We can recommend health insurance plans from all of the leading carriers to make sure you find the right coverage and price for your needs.

Life Insurance
To safeguard the financial stability of your loved ones in the event of unforeseen circumstances, Life Insurance is a valuable asset.
Products We Offer
Medicare Advantage
Also known as Part C. Different types include HMO, PPO, PFFS, and SNP.
Medicare Supplements
Medicare Supplement Insurance pays in addition to Original Medicare.
Health Insurance
Offered to individuals and families that are not on Medicare or Medicaid.
Dental Insurance
Most health insurance policies unfortunately do not cover dental services.
Life Insurance
Policies can cover final expenses, burial costs, debt, estate taxes, and more.
Annuities pay out income and can be used as part of your plan for retirement.

More About Us
Nationally Known, Locally Yours!
No matter what stage in life, no matter what age, no matter what income level, all our people treat all our clients and potential clients the same. That is, we offer you valuable information with your current and future options, whether you become our client or not. No pressure. No pushing. No twisting of the facts. And because of our nationwide network, you can always be certain that the prices we offer are of the best value designed to meet your most specific budget.
Our people are highly skilled, highly trained, highly compliant, highly experienced, and highly licensed in multi-states with our main focus on the Triad area of North Carolina.
What Is Medicare?
Unfortunately many people agree that understanding Medicare benefits is often a confusing and strenuous process. This short video does a good job of explaining the basics of Medicare Parts A, B, C and D. For more information, contact us!
Frequently Asked Questions
No, there are no fees. We are solely compensated by the insurance companies we represent.
Yes, we offer coverage on almost all individuals of all ages residing in the state of North Carolina.
While most of my clients reside in Guilford County, Forsyth County, and surrounding areas, we are licensed to help any and all North Carolina residents.
Medicare currently has established the period to be from October 15th – December 7th. Decisions made during this time typically go into effect January 1st of the next calendar year.
Contact Us
- 336-905-4014
- [email protected]
Business Hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Request a Free Consultation
I understand that by providing the information above, an agent from Puckett Insurance may contact me regarding health plan options.